
Liga 1 Indonesia

After 96 matches played in the league, a total of 265 goals have been scored (2.76 goals per match on average). For most national leagues, the stats above relate to the selected league competition in the regular season, excluding playoff matches. Some leagues include additional rounds of matches, for which dedicated group tables may be featured on this page. When such group tables are displayed on the main league page, the stats above also include the matches related to those tables. What Are The Recent Indonesia Liga 1 Results? Upon the emergence of Liga Primer Indonesia , PSSI did not recognize the validity of ISL. ISL regulars PSM, Persema, and Persibo, which had boycotted the ISL operators due to referee and management decisions, gladly defected to join LPI along with splinters of existing ISL teams. However, the 2011 LPI season was stopped mid-season, due to continued schism within PSSI; a new league, Indonesian Premier League , replaced it in late 2011 for the 2011–12 season.

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